Oakland, CA: New Harbinger Publications, 2004. The Trigger Point Therapy Workbook: Your Self-treatment Guide for Pain Relief.
There does not tend to be pain referred to the biceps muscle itself. Sometimes pain may skip to the suprascapular region. Additional pain may be felt in the crook of the elbow. The tenderness in these areas may be mistaken for bicipital tendinitis or subdeltoid bursitis. The chief pain symptom of biceps brachii trigger points is pain or aching in the front of the shoulder, which is superficial and not deep to joint itself. The TrP’s themselves tend to occur in the middle portion of the muscle and pain is projected primarily upwards. Trigger points in the biceps may also start because of pain referred from TrP’s in the infraspinatus or subclavius muscles. Over-exertion from shoveling snow may also aggravate the muscle. The biceps can also be overloaded during hard tennis serves or throwing activities. Violin playing may cause a strain, due to the biceps of the arm supporting the instrument needed to be continuously contracted, usually the left. Repeated supination under load, such as turning a screwdriver, can also aggravate the muscle. These include lifting heavy objects with the palm up, and weight lifting or other exercises that utilize the biceps. Various daily lifting activities can overload the biceps brachii muscle, leading to trigger points. Biceps Brachii Trigger Points Causes and Symptoms Baltimore, MD: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2005. Muscles, Testing and Function with Posture and Pain.
Functional Soft Tissue Examination and Treatment by Manual Methods. During shoulder abduction in the scapular plane, the long head of the biceps may act as a stabilizer, although its precise role as a stabilizer is a subject of controversy. As well, it is thought to be an important stabilizer during throwing motions. It is also active in the throwing action, both as an elbow flexor during late cocking and a forearm decelerator during follow-through. Avoid carrying objects in this position with biceps trigger points. The biceps is an important stabilizer while carrying any heavy object at waist level, such as a suitcase, and without it, the shoulder would be pulled apart. During the pullup, the insertion is fixed, so that the muscle moves the humerus toward the forearm. During the curling movement, the origin is fixed, so that the muscle moves the forearm toward the humerus. image by robswatski via flickrīarbell or dumbbell curling, pullups, lat pulldowns and any climbing movements all work the biceps brachii.
See the The Trigger Point Therapy Workbook Now. It is the muscle we think of when we imagine someone with ‘big arms.’ Its chief role is elbow flexion, and, while it is not the only elbow flexor, its role makes it prone to overload problems which can lead to trigger points. The biceps brachii is the most well-known muscle of the arm due to its prominence. Before you read about biceps trigger points and their pain referral patterns, you may want to find out more about the biceps brachii muscle.